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Поиск предметов:
Дата Покупатель Предмет Рейд Стоимость
12.04.13  Fallenangel Quill of the Aurora Frozen Tempest 100.0
12.05.16  Awbee Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
02.04.16  Fright Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
10.09.14  Bonham Reaping Spikethrower Bindings of Blood 100.0
14.04.14  Dzoje The Plane Cleaver Planebreaker Bastion 100.0
29.07.16  Gromta Huntsman's Waraxe Comet of Ahnket 100.0
27.03.14  Irbelle Heart of the Planebreaker Planebreaker Bastion 100.0
27.03.14  Lifeismystery Heart of the Planebreaker Planebreaker Bastion 100.0
22.01.15  Heartquake Draum Ra, the Rising Shadow Mount Sharax 100.0
14.05.16  Xeniru Telrath, Ancestor's Bane The Mind of Madness 100.0
05.05.16  Nevponya Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
30.05.16  Xeniru Huntsman's Waraxe Comet of Ahnket 100.0
14.05.16  Fright Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
19.05.16  Snillee Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
01.04.16  Ignil Nexian Spellstaff The Mind of Madness 100.0
04.01.14  Snovka The End of Hope Infinity Gate 100.0
19.05.16  Kessedi Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
11.04.16  Arggus Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
09.09.15  Jessola Column of Housed Souls Hammerknell Fortress 100.0
05.05.16  Ledan Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
15.04.16  Shel Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
29.04.16  Shel Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
24.12.14  Kiddy Spine of the Izkinra Mount Sharax 100.0
25.12.13  Lerika Sacrament of the Extinct Infinity Gate 100.0
27.12.14  Candygirl Ekor Ira, Hand of Threngar Mount Sharax 100.0
05.10.12  Fallenangel Maelforge's Hellfang Infernal Dawn 100.0
19.05.16  Arggus Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
14.02.14  Faint Heart of the Planebreaker Infinity Gate 100.0
19.05.16  Oskora Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
28.01.14  Irbelle The End of Hope Infinity Gate 100.0
11.09.14  Oskora The Mythical Lake of Fire Bindings of Blood 100.0
25.04.16  Apuch Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
24.09.14  Satori The Mythical Genesis Pylon Bindings of Blood 100.0
29.09.14  Lerika Soul of the Bloodstorm Bindings of Blood 100.0
08.09.14  Anglerr Fansy Songblade Bindings of Blood 100.0
11.09.13  Nevponya The Bleeding Sky Endless Eclipse 100.0
04.09.14  Landsouls The Mythical Fang of the Life Lord Bindings of Blood 100.0
02.06.16  Oskora Rindas, the Cosmic Shard The Mind of Madness 100.0
15.04.16  Nevponya Broken Cosmos The Mind of Madness 100.0
19.06.13  Irbelle The Dead Wind Frozen Tempest 100.0
11.12.13  Brobert Sacrament of the Extinct Infinity Gate 101.0
24.03.14  Brobert Heart of the Planebreaker Planebreaker Bastion 105.0
21.02.14  Lerika Heart of the Planebreaker Infinity Gate 115.0
05.10.15  Tilirith Eye of Untold Madness Hammerknell Fortress 121.0
01.10.14  Faint Soul of the Bloodstorm Bindings of Blood 125.0
28.02.14  Dzoje Heart of the Planebreaker Infinity Gate 130.0
21.03.14  Pacifyer Heart of the Planebreaker Infinity Gate 130.0
24.09.14  Foxtrot Water-logged Writ Bindings of Blood 132.0
07.03.14  Apuch Heart of the Planebreaker Infinity Gate 135.0
09.01.15  Gisus Senblade, Reality's End Mount Sharax 148.0
14.03.14  Morlunn Heart of the Planebreaker Infinity Gate 150.0
01.10.14  Kiddy The Mythical Staff of Crazed Whispers Bindings of Blood 159.0
07.03.14  Trol Whispers of the Wicked Empress Infinity Gate 162.0
04.04.14  Satori Whispers of the Wicked Empress Infinity Gate 185.0
26.05.16  Candygirl Ergath, Maul of Woe The Mind of Madness 200.0
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