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Дата Покупатель Предмет Рейд Стоимость
18.07.12  Sartarius Seal of Boundless Fury Infernal Dawn 0.0
30.06.16  Lanny Ruin Forged Chain Coif The Mind of Madness 0.0
08.08.12  Sartarius Ereetu's Focusing Crystal Infernal Dawn 0.0
24.02.16  Snillee Enigmatic Leather Breeches The Mind of Madness 0.0
02.07.16  Dep Empowered Shoulderwraps of Fyragnos Comet of Ahnket 0.0
11.04.16  Candygirl Ruin Forged Chain Hauberk The Mind of Madness 0.0
14.09.12  Sartarius Charred Leggings Infernal Dawn 0.0
03.03.16  Nevponya Enigmatic Bauble The Mind of Madness 0.0
01.07.16  Ellchupanibre Empowered Meteoric Gauntlets Comet of Ahnket 0.0
21.09.12  Sartarius Armored Gorget of Pure Greed Infernal Dawn 0.0
04.03.16  Snillee Enigmatic Bauble The Mind of Madness 0.0
08.07.16  Fallenangel Shroud of Eblius Comet of Ahnket 0.0
13.09.17  Jessola Flametouched Gloves of the Preserver Rise of the Phoenix 0.0
01.10.12  Sartarius Charred Jerkin Infernal Dawn 0.0
16.06.16  Ledan Ornament of Searing Comet of Ahnket 0.0
14.09.17  Jessola Spider's Weave Sandals of the Preserver Tartaric Depths 0.0
04.10.12  Sartarius Boneplate of Calamity Infernal Dawn 0.0
26.07.17  Gromta Flame Flower of the Preserver Rise of the Phoenix 0.0
03.08.16  Snillee Enigmatic Longbow The Mind of Madness 0.0
22.04.16  Apuch Ornament of the Wanderer The Mind of Madness 0.0
10.10.12  Sartarius Ereetu's Focusing Crystal Infernal Dawn 0.0
16.03.16  Snillee Enigmatic Signet The Mind of Madness 0.0
04.08.16  Fastapoke Empowered Tuath'de Handwraps Comet of Ahnket 0.0
08.11.12  Sartarius Bow of Iron Wrath Infernal Dawn 0.0
16.03.16  Nevponya Enigmatic Leather Tunic The Mind of Madness 0.0
12.07.16  Fallenangel Empowered Aristocratic Sandals Comet of Ahnket 0.0
23.09.17  Lafleur Vandal's Mask of the Conqueror Rise of the Phoenix 0.0
21.10.17  Heeho Vandal's Mask of the Preserver Rise of the Phoenix 0.0
24.08.17  Awbee Firewashed Spaulders of the Preserver Tartaric Depths 0.0
31.08.17  Inochisama Firewashed Spaulders of the Preserver Tartaric Depths 0.0
03.03.18  Heeho Thunderhide Britches of the Preserver Bastion of Steel 0.0
14.10.17  Deploy Burning Heart of the Preserver Rise of the Phoenix 0.0
10.03.18  Akatesh Stormsilk Obi of the Preserver Bastion of Steel 0.0
28.02.18  Strudel Stormsteel Pauldrons of the Preserver Bastion of Steel 0.0
09.03.18  Strudel Stormsteel Gauntlets of the Preserver Bastion of Steel 0.0
15.07.17  Dofin Smoldersteel Gloves of the Preserver Rise of the Phoenix 0.0
20.08.14  Rookiem Weeping Bramble Necklace Bindings of Blood 1.0
19.12.15  Ignil Ancient Royal Signet Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
27.05.15  Vango Sash of the Grand Arcanist Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
19.12.15  Aleskey Ancient Royal Signet Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
26.12.15  Akatesh Grand Wand of Defense Gilded Prophecy 1.0
02.04.14  Astalovista Gatewalker's Pauldrons Planebreaker Bastion 1.0
13.05.12  Ileina Talisman of the Squid Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
26.12.15  Evilmoo Ancient Royal Signet Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
14.10.15  Xeniru Forgotten Treasure Clip Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
26.05.12  Ileina Cryptic Bone Shard Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
02.01.16  Killbar Shroud of Broken Foes Gilded Prophecy 1.0
25.02.15  Belza Frost-Torn Sharaxian Chaps Mount Sharax 1.0
14.10.15  Xeniru Bone Studded Leggings Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
13.06.15  Turbocom Cowl of the Ancient Mariner Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
14.02.14  Esty Starlight Crown of Seven Thunders Infinity Gate 1.0
14.10.14  Fallenangel Tabi of the Vanishing Flame Bindings of Blood 1.0
23.01.16  Jessola Sallath, the Divine Truth Gilded Prophecy 1.0
27.04.15  Irbelle Soulrender's Waistgurad Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
15.10.14  Turbocom Fists of the Mad Golem Bindings of Blood 1.0
10.09.14  Apuch Life Lord's Spaulders Bindings of Blood 1.0
27.06.15  Shel Cowl of the Ancient Mariner Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
27.08.15  Dzoje Viscous Deflection Belt Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
27.06.15  Turbocom Mantle of Broken Runes Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
06.11.14  Nevponya Studs of Combat Awareness The Rhen of Fate 1.0
01.07.15  Fallenangel Tattered Warder's Leggings Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
21.03.15  Ileina Infinity Mail Mount Sharax 1.0
14.11.14  Nevponya Boots of the Beast Tamer The Rhen of Fate 1.0
17.04.14  Nevponya Dark Coral Loop Bindings of Blood 1.0
10.12.14  Fallenangel Transcent Frozen Band Mount Sharax 1.0
31.05.12  Fallenangel Artefact Infernal Dawn 1.0
16.09.15  Birt Bone Studded Leggings Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
26.11.14  Nevponya Gnarled Permafrost Band Mount Sharax 1.0
09.07.15  Jessola Sash of the Grand Arcanist Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
16.10.15  Strudel Rune Commander's Insignia Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
28.03.14  Bonham Pitchblende Signet Infinity Gate 1.0
16.11.13  Faint Arcbound knuckle Frozen Tempest 1.0
24.12.14  Fallenangel Veil of Frozen Tears Mount Sharax 1.0
21.10.15  Awbee Battered Iron Loop Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
17.12.14  Nevponya Shifting Face of the Akvan Mount Sharax 1.0
18.07.15  Fallenangel Rune Ward of the Faceless Scourge Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
21.11.13  Snovka Torbernite Circle Planebreaker Bastion 1.0
27.03.13  Ileina Acid-etched Epaulets of the Matriarch Endless Eclipse 1.0
10.05.14  Oskora Thorianite Thumb Ring Planebreaker Bastion 1.0
24.09.14  Apuch Boots of Molten Earth Bindings of Blood 1.0
16.05.14  Vango Thorianite Thumb Ring Planebreaker Bastion 1.0
08.10.15  Faint Handguards of the Dead Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
04.04.15  Dofin Skelf Skull Pauldrons Mount Sharax 1.0
03.01.15  Faint Circle of Living Snow Mount Sharax 1.0
01.10.14  Frosti Primordia Greathelm Bindings of Blood 1.0
20.07.15  Shel Spirit Walker's Slippers Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
12.04.13  Ileina Crown of Shoking Movement Frozen Tempest 1.0
08.04.15  Foxtrot Akvan Shell Hoop Tyrant’s Forge 1.0
07.01.15  Fallenangel Izkinra Sinew Pantaloons Mount Sharax 1.0
30.10.15  Awbee Rune Commander's Insignia Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
15.07.15  Maybach Spirit Render's Spaulders Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
31.07.15  Fallenangel Cloak of Doused Spirits Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
12.12.13  Dzoje Shoulderplates of the Second Son Planebreaker Bastion 1.0
22.07.15  Bloodydancers Honorbound Gauntlets Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
20.06.12  Leks Artefact Infernal Dawn 1.0
05.08.15  Shel Shroud of the Fallen Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
13.12.13  Heartquake Planedefiler's Footpads Planebreaker Bastion 1.0
16.10.15  Faint Ironbound Signet Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
22.07.15  Bloodydancers Forgotten Treasure Clip Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
17.08.15  Shel Rune Commander's Insignia Hammerknell Fortress 1.0
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