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Автор:  Erzulie [ 11 июн 2011, 02:16 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Хлоро сделали интересней
Мне как раз не хватало чего-то вроде Living Infusion и Natural Healing.
Хотя теперь да, или хил танка или хил группы. Универсальных хлорок не будет.
Но если подумать, то хлоро 51 сможет через LBV непродвинутый передавать 45% дамага в хил. Вопрос влияют ли таланты на этот %. Если влияют по-старому, то 51 хлоро будет универсальным хилером.

Автор:  Erzulie [ 11 июн 2011, 02:35 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Lifegiving Veil: ...5 allies..35 meters..120% of the damage done for 1 hour. All other spell damage dealt by the Mage heals allies for 5% of the damage done. AoE damage still reduced to 80%. Life based damage over time heals for 130% on first tick only. Cannot have LGV and LBV at the same time.

Lifebound Veil: ...5 allies...35 meters for 60% of the damage done for 1 hour. All toher heals for 5%. AoE damage reduced healing by 80%.. Life based damage over time heals for 70% on first tick. Mage cannot have LGV and LBV at the same time.

Empowered Veil: Increases healing by LGV to 110% and increases healing from LBV to 30% and increases range by 15 meters.

Circle of Life: Same as before but add in the chance for the new spell, Natural Healing to crit.

Synthesis: Now only works when LBV is working for 160%.

Natural Infusion: Increases bonus from LGV to synthesis by 60%. (I'm sure it means to say LBV but it doesn't soo..I don't know.)

Nature's Swiftness: Reduces cast time of Nature's Fury by 1 second. Reduces the cooldown of Natural COnversion by 1 minute.

Nature's Touch: Blasts enemy....dealing 58-72 Life damage. Cause Lifebound Veil to trigger an additonal heal on the ally with Synthesis within 20 meets for an additional 100% of the damage dealt.

Call of Spring: Modifed text to say does not affect heals from abilities that convert damage into healing. No duh. Still 15%.

Wild Growth: Blesses ground within 25 meters, healing up to 10 allies for 661 health of 12 seconds, ...reduces enemy speed...casuses affected enemies to take an additonal 10% damage.

Nature's Fury: Has about 50 damage more on PTR. Heals for about 200ish per hit on a target with LGV, and 100 with LBV.

Living Infusion: A greater focus on life enegy increases the percentage of Life damage converted to healing by LGV by an additonal .5% and LBV by an additonal 1.5% for each point spent in the Chloro soul above 31. This is a 32 pt talent.

Natural Splendor(forgot if this is on live..never used it so I don;t know it's normal heals or stats): Channels a beam of corrosive energy into the enemy dealing 955 Life damage over 8 seconds, up to 8 allies within 5 meets of the enemy heal for 2009 health over 8 seconds. Consumes charge. 44pt

Natural Healing: Infuses an ally with life energy, healing them for 864 to 872 health. 51pt talent

Void Life: Think this is on live, same crap. Ill look it up in a minute and see.

Автор:  Sartarius [ 11 июн 2011, 16:14 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Зигмар мне тут поведал, что вроде как возможно т3 сет с выходом 1.3 можно будет добыть в т1-т2((( ЧТобы как бы подготовить людей к Хаммеркнеллу. Если это будет так - ужас. В инстах набирать т3 эквип...

Автор:  Erzulie [ 11 июн 2011, 16:17 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Sartarius писал(а):
Зигмар мне тут поведал, что вроде как возможно т3 сет с выходом 1.3 можно будет добыть в т1-т2((( ЧТобы как бы подготовить людей к Хаммеркнеллу. Если это будет так - ужас. В инстах набирать т3 эквип...

Вряд ли. Т3 имеет дварфовский орнамент. Думаю, он в ХН и падает.

Автор:  Erzulie [ 11 июн 2011, 16:20 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Patch Notes PTS

* Stealth: Fixed a bug with toggling melee auto-attack would cause stealth to break.
* Fixed a bug causing the Class Mechanic UI to display effects from other players instead of just your own (ex: Stormcaller, Necromancer).
* Fixed some effects on pets to be lost when teleporting.
* Fixed an issue causing abilities to fail to work properly against players that had just been stunned while jumping.
* Mana: Changed the way mana-regeneration is calculated to now include diminishing returns. This should have little impact on leveling characters and is only noticeable once higher levels of gear are attained.

* Channeled abilities used in PvP against player targets will now break if the target moves out of the channeling caster's range, or line-of-sight.
* Valor updates!
* All level 30+ PvP rewards now have Valor.
* Base Valor amounts have been adjusted to account for a significantly larger amount of damage reduction.
- Level 1-40 characters have 10% reduction.
- Level 40-50 characters scale through 11-20% damage reduction.
* Valor now reduces the critical hit damage bonus received from player hits, capping at 50%.
- Reduction scales based on character level.
- Level 50 characters with no additional Valor receive a 33.7% reduction in critical hit bonus damage.
- A full set of rank 2-3 PvP gear (356 Valor) provides a 50% critical hit bonus damage reduction.
* With the increase to base Valor, the amount provided by ranked PvP gear has been adjusted.
- Rank 1/2 sets provide 323 total Valor, for 26.9% damage reduction and 45.4% critical bonus damage reduction.
- Rank 3/4 sets provide 394 total Valor, for 32.8% damage reduction and 50% critical bonus damage reduction.
- Rank 5/6 sets provide 480 total Valor, for 40% damage reduction and 50% critical bonus damage reduction.
* Runes that grant Valor bonuses have their Valor stat values adjusted but still provide the same percentage of damage reduction.

* Stealth: Fixed a bug with toggling melee auto-attack would cause stealth to break.
* Fixed a bug causing the Class Mechanic UI to display effects from other players instead of just your own (ex: Stormcaller, Necromancer).
* Fixed some effects on pets to be lost when teleporting.
* Fixed an issue causing abilities to fail to work properly against players that had just been stunned while jumping.
* Mana: Changed the way mana-regeneration is calculated to now include diminishing returns. This should have little impact on leveling characters and is only noticeable once higher levels of gear are attained.


* Lingering Dust: Now reduces melee and casting speed of the target by 20% for 20 seconds. The buff portion is unchanged.
* Casting speed debuffs will no longer cause Archon auras to gain a casting time if points have been spent to make them instant-cast.
* Burning Purpose: Damage procs are now affected by the Rising Vengeance ability. Reduced base damage dealt by Burning Purpose procs.

* Due to the below changes, characters with soul points spent in Chloromancer will receive a free soul point respec.
* Casting speed debuffs will no longer cause Bloom and Flourish to have a casting time if you have two points in Healing Slipstream.
* Call of Spring: Updated description to better indicate which abilities it affects.
* New Ability: Lifebound Veil - Causes Life damage dealt by the Mage to heal up to 5 allies within 20 meters for 15% of the damage done for 1 hour. All other spell damage dealt by the Mage heals allies for 5% of the damage done. Spells that damage more than one target have healing generated by Lifebound Veil reduced by 80%. Life based damage over time effects heal allies for 25% of the damage done by the first damaging tick of the effect. The Mage cannot receive healing from other Lifebound Veil or Lifegiving Veil effects while affected by this buff. Does not trigger a global cooldown. Cannot be purged.This is obtained after spending 11 points in the Chloromancer soul.
*Synthesis: Now increases healing received from Lifebound Veil by 100%. Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds. This cooldown is shared with Lifegiving Veil and Lifebound Veil. Now applies or refreshes Lifebound Veil when cast. Will no longer be removed when the affected player changes zones.
* Lifegiving Veil: Increased the base single-target Life damage to Healing conversion to 80%. This now shares a 10 second cooldown with Synthesis and Lifebound Veil. This can no longer be purged.
* Natural Fusion: Now increases the Synthesis bonus to heals from Lifebound Veil by 20-60%.
* Essence Surge: Debuff portion of this ability has been removed.
* Destructive Growth: Removed branch ability; the effects are now part of the base Wild Growth ability.
* Wild Growth: Reduced cooldown to 1 minute, increased radius to 25 meters.
* New branch ability - Nature's Swiftness: Reduces the casting time of Nature's Fury by 0.5-1 second, and reduces the cooldown of Natural Conversion by 30-60 seconds. Tier 6 branch ability.
* Entropic Veil: Removed cooldown.
* Empowered Veil: Now increases the damage bonus from your Entropic Veil by 13-19%, increases the healing generated by Lifegiving Veil from Life damage to 90-110%, increases healing generated from your Lifebound Veil by Life damage to 20-30% and increases the radius of Lifegiving and Lifebound Veil by 5-15 meters.
* Flourish: Reduced healing done.
* Bloom: Increased healing done.
* New root ability - Natural Healing: Single target heal with a 2.5 second casting time and no additional cooldown. Obtained with 51 points in Chloromancer.
* Circle of Life: Now affects Natural healing.
* Empathic Bond: Increased the mana return to 20% of the damage received by the Synthesis target.
* Nature's Touch: Reduced base damage of this spell. This spell now triggers an additional heal from Lifebound Veil, instead of Lifegiving Veil.
* New ability - Living Infusion: A passive ability that increases the percentage of Life damage converted to healing by Lifegiving Veil by an additional 0.5%, and Lifebound Veil by an additional 1.5%, for each point spent in Chloromancer above 31. Obtained at 32 points in Chloromancer.

* Due to the below changes, characters with soul points spent in Dominator will receive a free soul point respec.
* Fixed an issue where enemies would sometimes be able to continue casting or using abilities when affected by Mass Exhaustion, Disorient, or Overpowering Will.
* Mass Exhaustion: Fixed a bug in certain builds where Mass Exhaustion would end on all enemies if broken on one affected target.
* Thunder Blast: Will now deal damage and interrupt casting even if the target is immune to the knockback portion of this ability.
* Charged Shield, Mass Charged Shield: Will no longer land on an ally who already has a mage armor buff other than Charged Shield.
* Transference: Now blocks energy and mana regeneration on the target for 7 seconds, up from 5. Damage is now a flat value influenced by Spell Power and is no longer based on the amount of Energy, Power, or Mana drained.
* Microburst: NO longer reduces the damage of Storm Shackle.
* Deny: Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds,
* Mental Shock: Reduced cooldown to 20 seconds.
* Empowered Presence: Now increases the radius of your Arresting and Reflective Presence by 2-6 meters. Increases the chance for your Reflective Presence to reflect spells by 5-15%. Gives Arresting Presence a 33-100% chance to proc an interrupt on up to 10 targets within range, each second.
* Priest's Lament: Will now interrupt the target when it attempts to silence them. The interrupt will occur even if the target is immune to silence.
* Disorient: Now blasts the enemy with a burst of negative energy, dealing Death damage and leaving them stunned for 3 seconds and confusing them afterwards for up to 30 seconds. Damage done will break the confuse effect. 30 second cooldown.
* Memory Wipe: Now causes a group or raid member to appear less threatening, reducing their threat by 20% with all enemies within a 25 meter radius.
* Overpowering Will, Iron Will: Removed.
* New root ability - Incompetence: Reduces the target's effectiveness in battle for 15 seconds, increasing the cost of healing abilities by 20% and causing damage done by the target's abilities to heal up to 5 of the Dominator's group or raid members within 15 meters. 15 second cooldown. Obtained at 20 points.
* New branch ability - Ineptitude: Increases the healing ability cost debuff of Incompetence by 1-5% and increases the healing done by target's damaging abilities by 4-20%. Available after spending 20 points in Dominator.
* Chastise: Removed.
* New root ability - Traitorous Influence: Causes the enemy, and up to 5 additional enemies within 15 meters, to suffer Death damage and lose 30 Power or Energy, or Mana equal to 5% of the Dominator's maximum mana, every time the target uses an ability. This can occur up to 5 times over 15 seconds. Available after spending 30 points in Dominator.
* Draining Presence: Removed.
* New root ability - Mass Betrayal: Generates chaos within the enemy's ranks, cursing up to 10 enemies within the targeted area. Abilities used by affected enemies cause the target and up to 5 additional targets within 15 meters to suffer Death damage; they also lose 30 Power, Energy, or Mana equal to 5% of the Dominator's maximum mana each time they use an ability. This can occur up to 5 times over 15 seconds. Available at 51 points in Dominator.
* Fixed a bug where pets spawned by Split Personality were not gaining benefit from the caster's Spell Power or Spell Critical Hit.
* Split Personality: The pets spawned now take 95% less damage from area effect abilities.

* Planar Expansion: Corrected the description on the final rank of this spell.

* Lightning Field and Charged Field now only check for stacks of Electrified applied by the caster.
* Lightning Field: Reduced base damage of this spell.
* Forked Lightning: Reduced base damage of this spell.
* Static Discharge: Can no longer affect a target more than once per minute.
* The class mechanic UI for Electrify will now update properly if Lightning Field removes a stack of Electrified from an enemy.

* Sacrifice Life: Damage: Can no longer be cast if Empowered Darkness is active.

* We’re still in the process of making Pyromancer changes specific to PVP regarding burst damage. These changes will have little to no impact on PVE.

* Stealth: Fixed a bug with toggling melee auto-attack would cause stealth to break.
* Fixed a bug causing the Class Mechanic UI to display effects from other players instead of just your own (ex: Stormcaller, Necromancer).
* Fixed some effects on pets to be lost when teleporting.
* Fixed an issue causing abilities to fail to work properly against players that had just been stunned while jumping.
* Mana: Changed the way mana-regeneration is calculated to now include diminishing returns. This should have little impact on leveling characters and is only noticeable once higher levels of gear are attained.


* New ability - Companion's Call: Makes the next pet summon ability instant-cast.
* Greater Primal Companion: Claw Swipe: Fixed a bug causing this to occasionally only hit one target.
* Fixed some bugs with the icon display for Summon Greater Primal Companion.

* Deadly Strikes: Now increases the damage of attack point builders by an additional amount for each point spent in Champion over 30.
* Bash: To better match up with other interrupts, the cooldown has been increased to 8 seconds and Power cost reduced to 10.

* Warden's Protection: Will no longer be removed when the affected player changes zones.
* Face Slam: To better match up with other interrupts, the cooldown has been increased to 8 seconds, damage reduced slightly, and Power cost reduced to 10 Power.
* Improved Paladin's Devotion: Fixed a tooltip bug that reported the wrong amount of cooldown reduction on Paladin's Devotion. Tooltip now properly shows a cooldown reduction of 10-20 seconds. This is a cosmetic fix only.

* Strike Like Iron: Moved to a 38 point root ability.
* New root ability - Reaping Harvest: Available with 2 points spent in Paragon. Attack point consuming ability that requires dual wielding.
* Path of the Wind: Now requires the Paragon to be dual wielding.
* Way of the Wind: Now triggers a second weapon attack after using any attack ability that requires dual wielding.
* Paired Strike: Now causes the next follow-up strike to critically hit.
* Flinching Strike: To better match with other interrupts, the damage is no longer based on weapon damage, cooldown reduced to 8 seconds, and Power cost has been reduced to 10 Power.
* Bend Like the Reed: In addition to enhancing Parry, now also increases the damage done by attacks that require dual wielding. To support this change and put this in line with similar finishers, the cooldown has been increased to 1 minute.

* Rift Storm: Fixed a bug causing different icons to appear in game compared to the Soul Tree version.
* Fiery Burst: Should now reliably trigger Enhanced Burst.
* Riftwalk: Fixed a bug causing this ability to not break stuns. Now deals damage to the enemy. Due to this there are now multiple ranks of Riftwalk which can be trained at your nearest Warrior trainer!
* Improved Riftwalk: Now enhances the damage dealt by Riftwalk in addition to reducing the cooldown.
* Rift Storm: Reduced cooldown to 2 minutes from 3.
* Avatar of the Rift: Increased the amount of Attack Power contribution.
* Surging Energy: Fixed a case where this could sometimes not trigger.

* Intimidating: The debuff tooltip should now actually work.
* Fixed a typo in the Warlord Soul tooltip.

* Advantage: Tooltip changed to more accurately describe what the ability does; increases the chance to get a critical hit by 1-5%.

* Furious Rage: To better match up with other interrupts, the cooldown has been increased to 8 seconds, and the ability damage is no longer based on weapon damage.

* Stealth: Fixed a bug with toggling melee auto-attack would cause stealth to break.
* Fixed a bug causing the Class Mechanic UI to display effects from other players instead of just your own (ex: Stormcaller, Necromancer).
* Fixed some effects on pets to be lost when teleporting.
* Fixed an issue causing abilities to fail to work properly against players that had just been stunned while jumping.
* Mana: Changed the way mana-regeneration is calculated to now include diminishing returns. This should have little impact on leveling characters and is only noticeable once higher levels of gear are attained.


* Armor of Treachery: Corrected the out-of-date tooltip to match the spell's current functionality.
* Armor of Awakening: The Critical Hit chance increase now displays properly in the Character stat window.
* Divine Pardon: Now reduces threat by the proper amount.
* Lethargy: No longer applies to Harsh Discipline and Aggressive Renewal if you haven't spent points in it.

* Due to the below changes, characters with Soul Points spent in Justicar will receive a free soul respec.
* Devout Deflection: Now increases Parry by 30-90% of your Spell Power, and Dodge by 20-60% of your Spell Power.
* Doctrine of Valiance: Removed.
* Humility: Now available as a tier 4 branch ability.
* Interdict: Now available as a tier 5 branch ability.
* Resplendent Embrace: Now available as a 32 point root ability.
* Rebuke: Now available as a 44 point root ability. Causes up to 5 enemies within 7 meters of the targeted enemy to run to and attack the Justicar for 3 seconds. Does not affect players or player pets.
* Forced to Kneel: Removed.
* Commitment: Now available as a tier 6 branch ability.
* Thorvin's Law: New tier 6 branch ability. Causes Precept of Refuge to reduce all magic damage taken by 5-10%. Requires Precept of Refuge and Safe Haven.
* Righteous Mandate: Will no longer be removed when the affected player changes zones.

* Surging Flames: Will no longer be removed when the affected player changes zones.
* Disciple of Flame: Now adds a Spell Power bonus to your Caregiver's Blessing of 5%, plus an additional 3% per point spent in Purifier above 36. Also adds a Spell Power bonus to all other Purifier absorption shields of 10% plus an additional 7.5% per point spent in Purifier above 36.

* Marked by the Light: Will no longer be removed when the affected player changes zones.

* Tidal Surge: No longer wasted if cast just after Healing Current.
* Healing Current: Corrected mana costs across all ranks.


* Motif of Regeneration: Now considered a spell, and can be Silenced.

* Contra Tempo: Fixed the effect tooltip to indicate that it increases the damage of the next three Combo Point generating abilities.
* Deadly Dance: Fixed a bug where applying Saboteur Charges to the target did not consume the Deadly Dance effect.

* Cloudy Poison: Reduced casting speed debuff to 20%.
* Camouflage: Fixed characters being knocked out of stealth when re-entering a Marksman's Pedestal.
* Step Into the Shadows: Fixed the cooldown being activated when using any stealth ability.

* Killer Focus: Damage bonus should be correctly applied to ranged weapons.
* Prey on the Weak: Fixed the buff triggered by this ability not being removed when the character dies.

* Shadow Stalk: Fixed a bug where this would sometimes be available while under control effects it cannot break.
* Shadow Assault, Shadow Blitz: Now properly affected by damage modifications from buffs and debuffs.

* Remote Clipping: Fixed a bug where the range of Detonate was being increased by 1 meter instead of 2 meters.

Автор:  Erzulie [ 11 июн 2011, 16:35 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Twisted Artifacts are in, these red shinies can be found by using Omen Sight.
There seem to be alot of them, I got about a dozen in several different zones. Like normal artifacts they are out in the open. It seems most have one "green" artifact, ie rare. The others are all normal spawn. They seem to be able to spawn in any spot of any existing zone like normal artifacts. They do not replace existing artifacts, you can get those too, but only with omen sight can you see the red ones.

The vendor's for Rune King seals now sell stuff! Including wardrobe items!

One thing to note, almost all these items allow you to breathe underwater. I wonder if there is new content under the sea?

Rune Seal Items:

Barnacle Encrusted Choker. Epic quality, allows breath underwater.

Essences (Lesser):
Shimmering Deepstone, Epic Quality

Wardrobe items:
Puffy Dwarven Toque (Helmet), Epic
Endless Marauders Spiked Shoulders, Shoulders, Epic
Endless Skull Helm , Helmet, Epic

Touch of the Abyss (not sure what this, does says shrouds you with water energy)
Vial of Abyssal Water-Weapon Enchant (I think its only cosmetic)

Rune of Abyssal Apprentice
Brew of Abyssal Apprentice
(Both of these allow you to breathe underwater)

Companion Pet:
Happy Seacap
Blue Shell Crab

Barnacle Encusted Sigil of the Five, Epic, 2 Greater, 4 Lesser, Water Resist +20

Luminescent Conch Shell (Water Resist +20 and allows water breathing)

Clearly something is underwater, cause these items with the water breathing are the more expensive in terms of seals.

There are two new mounts from the event so far both which seem to come from inside the raid.

Автор:  Erzulie [ 11 июн 2011, 16:37 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Лут (в основном клериковский) из ХН

Автор:  Erzulie [ 11 июн 2011, 16:49 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Учитывая кол-во фокуса, видимо, да, для ХН нужно 300 фокуса/хита

Автор:  Erzulie [ 11 июн 2011, 17:33 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

First off, addons will not be included in 1.3. We want to make sure the addon system is completely ready for launch before launching it.

Автор:  Zigmar [ 12 июн 2011, 13:14 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Erzulie писал(а):
Sartarius писал(а):
Зигмар мне тут поведал, что вроде как возможно т3 сет с выходом 1.3 можно будет добыть в т1-т2((( ЧТобы как бы подготовить людей к Хаммеркнеллу. Если это будет так - ужас. В инстах набирать т3 эквип...

Вряд ли. Т3 имеет дварфовский орнамент. Думаю, он в ХН и падает.

Под Т3 Сарт имел ввиду рейдовый Т1. На офф форуме есть тема где утверждается что глифы (+ н-ное кол-во экспертных плашек) которые сейчас нужны для его покупки (и падают в Т1 рейдах) будут упразднены, вместо них будут Marks of Conquest.

The tooltip on Lesser Marks of Conquest says "Awarded for completion of Raids and Expert difficulty dungeons". These have a new icon.

The tooltip on Plaque of Achievement still reads "Awarded for completion of Expert difficulty dungeons".

The dungeon finder still only awards plaques for completing T1/T2 experts, so maybe it is a tooltip error, but who knows.

Just killed Duke: Gave 5 of the new currency to each raid member. Wonder if completely the zone will give extra.

Ya if i remember correctly.

Gloves, Boots were 50

chest legs were -100

shoulders helmet - was 75

If that isnt exactly it, it is very close.

Главный вопрос, правда ли выделенное место в квоте, если да - epic fail, если же Марки будут падать только в рейдах, имо это правильное решение.

Пруфлинк: http://forums.riftgame.com/showthread.php?206034-No-More-Glyphs-For-T3-Gear!

Автор:  Boruriinedrei [ 12 июн 2011, 13:31 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Нууууу, всё, что делает нам мощнее к лучшему. :)

Автор:  Sartarius [ 12 июн 2011, 13:37 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Скорее всего они решили отказаться от глифов и ввели марки. То есть фармля Дюка нон-стоп можно собрать весь т3 сет, что с одной стороны хорошо, а с другой совсем не очень. Если эти марки будут падать в т1\т2 - это будет не просто эпик фейл, на т1 рейды народ 50% забьет

Автор:  Tor [ 12 июн 2011, 15:51 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Хилеры на WF станут неубиваемыми в принципе с такими изменениями. И так с трудом пробиваешь отхил, используя все кд, то теперь R6 Cleric = IDDQD.
/Hail to the king, baby.
Надо поднажать и доконать 6-й ранк, потом боюсь будет трудновато роге. :(

Автор:  Boruriinedrei [ 12 июн 2011, 16:24 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Тор, а какие изменения будут в pvp, почему хилеры станут неубиваемы?

Автор:  Erzulie [ 12 июн 2011, 16:40 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Zigmar писал(а):
Главный вопрос, правда ли выделенное место в квоте, если да - epic fail, если же Марки будут падать только в рейдах, имо это правильное решение

Возможно их будуть давать за дейлики/полный ран/финальных боссов. Это не так страшно.

Меж тем, фактическое подтверждение того, что для ХН нужно будет 300 фокуса - правый нижний угол скрина

Автор:  Erzulie [ 13 июн 2011, 02:02 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Не в 1.3, а дальше:

Morning folks,

We mentioned at E3 that Hammerknell is only the begining of the new content we'll be launching in the next 3 to 6 months. We've got a ton of stuff coming down the pipe including

New 50+ outdoor zone
New 50+ dungeon
New 10 man instanced slivers
New largescale battle Warfront & and open world PvP events
New dynamic rift content & world events

Of course the details on these updates will be released a bit later on when we're closer to launch. But we are actively working on new content for all of our subscribers.


http://forums.riftgame.com/showthread.p ... ost2596951

Автор:  Tor [ 13 июн 2011, 02:09 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Boruriinedrei писал(а):
Тор, а какие изменения будут в pvp, почему хилеры станут неубиваемы?

Очень просто. Всем повысят "встроенный" валор до 20% снижения урона и плюс понизят значения валора на шмоте, теперь 40% кап (было 30%). Дадут резист к криту. А крит, это то, чем я сейчас хилеров р6 и сваливаю, другого лекарства нет - стан, хилорез и крит-крит-крит под тринькой от Unspoken, к слову, под проком яда и с пвп душой крит у меня в пвп 52%.

Будет так, что р6 хилер в шмоте срежет ко всему прочему еще и 50% урона крита. А это значит, что роге/вару запилить такого хилера трудновато, только со 100% хилорезом (он отсутствует). :) Ну или 2 роги имеют ненулевой шанс выпилить такого хилера ДО того, как к нему подбежит подмога. 3 Роги точно не оставят шансов. :)

Автор:  Erzulie [ 13 июн 2011, 15:39 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

Ко вчерашнему разговору в ТС о diminishing returns
Манареген клериков до (внизу) и после 1.3 (вверху)

Автор:  Erzulie [ 13 июн 2011, 21:58 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

http://s678.photobucket.com/albums/vv14 ... =slideshow

Автор:  Erzulie [ 14 июн 2011, 13:17 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: 1.3

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