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Автор:  Apuch [ 17 фев 2014, 10:58 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

CM Morgana писал(а):
RIFT 2.6: Hotfix #3 2/16/14

This fix goes live at:
NA: 2/16/14 10:00 PM PST
EU: To Be Announced

* Guild chat now works more reliably for transferred guilds.
* Faction based chat now works correctly on PVP servers.
* Fixed two issues that could cause the chat services to crash.
* When the chat services restart, all players are now correctly notified when basic and full functionality is restored.
* Slightly increased the drop rate of Bounty Artifacts.
* Fixed a crash that could occur on 32-bit operating systems that were low on memory.


* Good news! Reva Song has trained a pair of Grandmaster Dream Weavers who have left Tempest Bay to share Dream Weaving with Mathosia. Halucinacio has set up shop on Bahralt Street in Sanctum, and Imagi Song has found a spot in the Manufactory in Meridian.

Автор:  Apuch [ 19 фев 2014, 10:04 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

CM Morgana писал(а):
RIFT 2.6: Hotfix #4 2/18/14

This fix goes live at:
NA: 2/18/14 6:55 PM PST
EU: 2/19/14 2 AM GMT

* No longer will hostile NPCs pay extra close attention to anyone that tries to resurrect their slain prey. IE: That pesky resurrection aggro bug has been fixed!
* Server broadcasts no longer require the chat server to be online.
* Possibly fixed a crash that could occur when loading or playing cutscenes.
* Putting a player on ignore will now prevent their /yell, /say, and /emote chat from showing.
* Players will now correctly have their ascended mentor level set to an appropriate level when entering a dungeon through the LFG queue.
* Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent the game from properly updating player locations.
* Zone Events will no longer be so confused about their life choices, and will opnly open rifts of the appropriate elements.

* Good news, everyone! Mounts acquired from lockboxes are now tradable.
* Mounts that are acquired from lockboxes, as well as mounts that are only available for credits on the store, are now unlocked for all characters on the account once learned.
- We will be retroactively granting mount unlocks to players that have previously obtained or purchased these premium mounts. Stay tuned for more info!
* Patron Changes:
- Patron Boosts now stack with all other boosts!
- Weekly Patron Gifts now drop Budgie Supply Crates instead of Greenscale's Supply Crates.
* The generic World Event Vendor NPCs have been removed from the game.

* Conquest Power version number increased to 3 – this means that people joining conquest after it is turned back on will have 100,000 power added to that character.
* Updated how the conquest reward chest works to prevent exploitation.

* Air Saga:
- All Air Saga quests should now say "Cult Saga" above the quest text.
- Quest: Rite of the Mind: Archivist Aristoi will no longer quiz any and all about the history of Iron Pine Peak.
- Quest: Nothing Stays Lost: Greatly increased the loot rates of Useful Discarded Parchments.

* Water Saga:
- Quest: Unworking the Ritual: Now drops for players higher than level 50.

* Shaper Defenders no longer grant loot or XP when killed.


* Certain book page artifacts (those purchasable at special vendors) are no longer salvageable.

Автор:  Apuch [ 20 фев 2014, 11:53 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

CM Morgana писал(а):
RIFT 2.6: Hotfix #6 2/26/14


The Carnival Returns!
For the third year in a row, the Carnival is in Telara! The festivities start on February 27th at 3:30PM server time, and it runs until March 13th.

* Radiant Infinity Cells are now Bind on Account!
* Fixed another bug that could cause the chat systems to go offline.
* Work done on Conquest chat to make it more reliable.
* Fixed a bug that would cause the player's location to not update.
* Fixed a bug that would prevent players from properly passing lockout barriers while play cross-shard.
* Fixed a bug with the translation of "the Speechless" title in French and German.
* Fixed a rare crash that could happen when equipping helms.
* City guide NPCs can now direct players to Dream Weaver skill trainers.

* Bundles of Raid 1 Weapons are now available under Equipment > Bundles!
* Bundles of Raid 1 Armor are now available under Equipment > Bundles.
* Escalating versions of Eldritch Steeds, Vaiyuus, and Yarnosaurs are now available in the mount section of the store.



* Link of Agony: Now intercepts 20% of damage in PVP. It still intercepts 30% damage in PVE.
* Link of Suffering: Now intercepts 15% of damage in PVP. It still intercepts 20% damage in PVE.


* Soul Bond: Now intercepts 20% of damage in PVP. It still intercepts 30% damage in PVE.


* Brothers in Arms: Now intercepts 10% of damage in PVP. It still intercepts 15% damage in PVE.


* Thinned the population of the Mired Convoy.
* Reduced the agro range of Storm Legion Gun Emplacements in the Mired Convoy.
* Thinned the population of Camp Talon.

* Bloodfire Incursion raid rift:
- The quest has been converted into a collect quest.
- Thralls now despawn when Korag resets or dies.
- The Bloodfire Rager's Blast Off ability can no longer be reflected.
* Thinned the population of Storm Legion soldiers, Leach Handlers, and constructs in The Infinity Gate.
* Quest: Overcharger: Reduced the respawn rate of Storm Legion Capacitors.
* Quest: Overcharger: Storm Legion Soldiers guarding the Capacitors no longer despawn when the Capacitors explode.

* The Hell's Insurgents raid rift quest has been converted into a collect quest.

* Storm Legion dungeons now have a minimum level required to enter.
* Dominance leaderboards have been added for the big bads of Storm Legion. Compete to achieve the fastest kill time on Crucia, Regulos, Ultane, Volan (Infinity Gate), and Planebreaker Abominus.

* Volan: No longer damages players after he has been defeated in phase two.

* Atrophinius
- Now resets when brought out of his fight space.
- Flask of Dreamshine now travels much slower.

* Added two new leaderboards for the Dream Weaver under Crafting!

* For the sake of convenience, as well as your bag space, upgrade components can now be stacked.
* Relic Tanking Weapons from Infinity Gate and Planebreaker Bastion have received some stat rebalancing, giving more Endurance to Warrior and Cleric versions.
* A Raid 1 DPS sword has been added for Rogues - the Ascended's Sublime Sword.
* Reinforced Ascended's Sublime Sword and Reinforced Ascended's Eternal Sword are no longer unique equip.

Автор:  Apuch [ 03 мар 2014, 15:22 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

Изменения Каббалиста на птс, так как с душой не знаком не могу оценить вес обем изминеней, кто знаком с душой прокаментируйте пожалуста что дадут нам эти изминения и найдется ли применения это душа в актуальных рейдах.

Автор:  Satori [ 03 мар 2014, 15:31 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

удалось немного потестить его на птс, душу сделали более универсальной под текущий контент, где редко встретишь трешь по 8+ мобов одновременно, теперь каба может выбирать режим 8+/5+/1
чегото выдающегося по сингл дамагу не узрел, но надо еще заглянуть, т.к. когда я лазил лагала очередь скилов и не работали макросы.
предварительно резюмируя, как был хороший ренжовый аоешер так и остался.

Автор:  Apuch [ 05 мар 2014, 10:03 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6


Автор:  Apuch [ 05 мар 2014, 12:40 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

Вот GUIDE: BLOODFIRE STRONGHOLD кому интересно. Все начинается с 2 фазой саги воздуха.

Автор:  Apuch [ 06 мар 2014, 08:01 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

CM Morgana писал(а):
RIFT 2.6: Hotfix #7 3/6/14

* Fixed a crash that could result from particle effects.
* More work done on the chat servers to improve their stability.
* Great Hunt: Planarch Augmur: This boss now spawns correctly.
* Searching for specific types of artifacts is easier than ever! The Auction house now has a new category for Artifacts, as well as some subcategories under it.
* Fixed a bug that would cause Marvelous item call-out to appear twice if the item was obtained from a conquest chest.
* Fixed a rare issue with macro handling.

* Store:
- Daily Carnival Patron Gifts have been enabled for the last week of the carnival event. The currency payout has been increased since we were late by a week!
- Most Carnival items are now Giftable!
- Cleric tanking weapons now show up correctly in the World Event section of the store.
* Items
- Carnival Celebration Crate pets are now correctly labeled as "Bind on equip" instead of "Binds on account."
- Carnival Celebration Crate mounts are now tradable.
- Stats on the Relic version of the Carnival's Lucid Sheerstone Essences has received a 5th, relictastic, stat.
- Tito's Partini dance will no longer play firework sounds after its duration has ended.
* Moved all of the The Codex: Wheel of Fate Achievements to the Legacy category.
* The "Tales of the Ascended" rift events are now working again.
* Dragon Pinatas in Iron Pine Peak are now level appropriate.

* Fixed bugged animations on the following Escalating mounts: Vaiyuu, Yarnosaur, Valmera.
* Scrolls are no longer falling from the sky: fixed a bug that caused re-grants of both Character and Guild Rename Scrolls.

* Fixed auction house sorting for Dream Bolt and Dream Ribbon. New listings of these items will now show up under Crafting -> Materials -> Cloth.

* The Ganitmite Longsword is no longer Unique Equip.

* Fixed resource tracking icons on the mini-map being slightly off-centered.

Автор:  Lerika [ 06 мар 2014, 15:45 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

- Stats on the Relic version of the Carnival's Lucid Sheerstone Essences has received a 5th, relictastic, stat.

Вместо того чтобы просто пропорционально добавить отсутствующий main stat - они сразу запилили +31 SP/AP :ded:

Тепеь это ТОП1 лессерка по всем параметрам, если проапгредить до релика. :%)

Автор:  Satori [ 06 мар 2014, 15:49 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

эмм, дай предположить...
продажи не пошли?

Автор:  Lerika [ 06 мар 2014, 16:16 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

Babbajoe писал(а):
эмм, дай предположить...
продажи не пошли?

Что ты имеешь ввиду? ПРодажи за кристаллы? Да ее итак никто за кристаллы не покупал и не собирается, т.к. она стоит копейки эвентовой валюты. Набивается с 50 пиньят за 3-4 часа.

Автор:  Kiddy [ 06 мар 2014, 17:11 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

Боюсь предположить,следующее что они сделают это добавят в шоп редианты :ded:

Автор:  Apuch [ 10 мар 2014, 14:36 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

Готовится еще одна промо акция


Автор:  Dzoje [ 10 мар 2014, 15:26 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

sigil новый крутой...интересно сколько на него фармить )). И опять же ловкий развод на rune unsocketing apparatus :D

Автор:  Apuch [ 10 мар 2014, 15:35 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

ну промо акция на то и придумана чтоб деньги культурно вымогать :ded:

Автор:  Apuch [ 12 мар 2014, 10:05 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6


Автор:  Apuch [ 12 мар 2014, 14:20 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

CM Morgana писал(а):
RIFT 2.6: Hotfix #8 3/12/14


Conquest Steppes of Infinity
The new conquest map in the Steppes of Infinity has arrived! It features all-new objectives and opportunities: will you battle to control the forts of Brevo and Antapo, or will you brave a gauntlet of foes to ferry charges between them?

All Conquest matches will take place at the Steppes of Infinity for a time to give everyone a chance to try out the new map. After a brief introductory period, we'll start alternating Conquests between the Steppes of Infinity and Stillmoor.

Mech Week Returns!
Note: This event will not run until 3:30pm server time on March 13th, and will end at 3:30pm server time on March 20th.

Limited time daily quests are now available in Sanctum, Meridian, and Tempest Bay. New Mech mounts can be acquired from Temporal Flux Vaults, which are found on the Rift Store and awarded for completion of the event quest To the Strongest! One is also awarded for the new achievement I'm All Gears. Mechanized Temporal Vaults have returned as well, and have a chance to drop from the new Temporal Flux rifts!

Mari, the Planar Research Institute's Artificial Intelligence and Quartermaster, has taken up permanent residency in Mariel-Taun's Village in Sanctum, the College of Planar Studies in Meridian, and near the Guild Charter Magistrate in Tempest Bay.

A new Temporal Gears currency can be used to purchase items from Mari and is awarded for completing the daily quests. Additional Temporal Gears can be acquired from Temporal Vaults.

Carnival of the Ascended: Extended!
By popular request, the Carnival of the Ascended has been extended a week, and now ends at 3:30pm server time on March 20th. For the extended week of Carnival, an additional weekly quest has been added to earn an Auroral Doubloon.



* Ride the Lightning: Now only roots for 1.5s, and does not trigger diminishing returns in PVP.


* Leaping Plunge: Now only roots for 1.5s, and does not trigger diminishing returns in PVP.

* Flash of Steel: Now only roots for 1.5s, and does not trigger diminishing returns in PVP.


* Bull Rush: Now only roots for 1.5s, and does not trigger diminishing returns in PVP.

* Righteous Charge: Now only roots for 1.5s, and does not trigger diminishing returns in PVP.

* Thread the Trees: Now only roots for 1.5s, and does not trigger diminishing returns in PVP.

* Shadow of Dread: Now only roots for 1.5s, and does not trigger diminishing returns in PVP.

* Into the Breach: Now only roots for 1.5s, and does not trigger diminishing returns in PVP.
* Clear the Breach: Now only roots for 1.5s, and does not trigger diminishing returns in PVP.


* Unstable Shards are now immune to banish effects.

* Conquest rewards have been updated to go along with the launch of Conquest: Steppes of Infinity!

* Survivalists and Dream Weavers are now awarded the correct titles at skill-up thresholds.

Автор:  Lerika [ 12 мар 2014, 16:05 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

* Unstable Shards are now immune to banish effects.

Что за баниш эффекты? Фишня иммуна к притягиванию что ли будет?

Автор:  Dzoje [ 12 мар 2014, 16:10 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6

banish - изгнание.

Автор:  Apuch [ 14 мар 2014, 10:53 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: Rift-2.6


Шанс дропа сундука с разлома по видимому очень мал ( сегодня 10-15 закрыл ничего не дали.

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