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СообщениеДобавлено: 12 апр 2012, 21:18 
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Третий тир ПА
Развитие ПВП
Новая зона ("Этриан")
Т3 "десятка"

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 30 апр 2012, 03:27 
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2011, 16:04
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 30 апр 2012, 03:40 
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2011, 16:04
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Архетип: Mage
Trion : Nous n'avons pas encore arrêté l'intégralité du contenu de la 1.9 mais l'un des éléments phare devrait être l'arrivée du tutorat. Cela permettra à des joueurs de tout niveau de grouper et s'amuser ensemble. Une occasion aussi de redécouvrir certaines zones de Telara ou certains donjons.
[Remarque MP : Suite aux explications cela semble très proche du tutorat ou mentoring d'EverQuest II.]

Il y aura aussi un contenu Raid qui sera une sorte de voyage dans le temps dans la vie des grandes figures de Telara. Vous devriez en apprendre plus sur Asha Catari ainsi. Et bien sûr il y aura le mode Conquête en PVP !

- менторинг (похоже на ЕК2)
- новая рейдовая зона (про жизнь Аши Катари)
- Конквест

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 30 апр 2012, 03:43 
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2011, 16:04
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Adam : La 2.0 serait un très bon moment pour augmenter le niveau maximum. Quant à une date, l'année prochaine ce serait bien hein Hal ?
Hal : Oh oui, ou peut-être même cette année ! En fait, on ne sait pas trop encore. On a déjà plusieurs mises à jour de prévues.

Увеличение левел-капа. В следующем году, возможно и в этом.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 30 апр 2012, 03:46 
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2011, 16:04
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Ачивки из нового рейда Primeval Feast

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СообщениеДобавлено: 30 апр 2012, 04:01 
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2011, 16:04
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Архетип: Mage
Блин, какой же я все-таки умный
Я тогда реально эту десятку на ПТС "выследил"

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 10 май 2012, 10:16 
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Зарегистрирован: 18 фев 2011, 16:17
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Откуда: Новосибирск
Архетип: Warrior
Медали: 10

Основатель гильдии Воин Топ ДПС
За мощный ДПС! Серебряный Шлем Деда
24 месяца в гильдии Бронзовый Сапог Первопроходца
Участвовать в 10-ти фесткиллах рейдовых боссов
Железная Перчатка Расхитителя
Приобрести 50 предметов за ДКП Железный Компас Путешественника
Набрать 13К очков за достижения Стальная Лопата Кладоискателя
Собрать 500 коллекций артефактов Стальная Планарная Звезда
Набрать 500 очков планарного слияния
Стальной Череп Дракона
Заработать 2000 ДКП в рейдах Стальной Знак Воителя
Принять участие в 200 рейдах
На 1.9 запланирован новый тир ПвП эквипа.

Dread Captain Bale:
I sense you are well-growing Ascended!
Submit to ID and know the power of Laethys!

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 10 май 2012, 11:55 

Зарегистрирован: 18 май 2011, 13:06
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Архетип: Cleric
Эрузль ты же у нас самый самый самый!!!
Ты тока дай повод мы тебя еще похвалим ))))))

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 май 2012, 10:02 
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Зарегистрирован: 12 авг 2011, 22:07
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Архетип: Cleric
http://forums.riftgame.com/official-rif ... ended.html

О чем они?

Опытные эксперты из АД всегда помогут понять почему не играет ваш билд.

Почувствуй себя Voodoo - нажми Quit.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 май 2012, 11:12 
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2011, 16:04
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 май 2012, 11:14 
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Зарегистрирован: 12 авг 2011, 22:07
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Архетип: Cleric
Erzulie писал(а):

Это слово должно было мне что то сказать? :)

Опытные эксперты из АД всегда помогут понять почему не играет ваш билд.

Почувствуй себя Voodoo - нажми Quit.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 май 2012, 11:14 
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Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2011, 00:27
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Архетип: Cleric
Твинки: Ilefarn - Mage 60
Судя по всему какое-то новое умопомрачительное мировое ПВП. По крайней мере подогревают интерес, а уж что там на самом деле :pardon:

И я живу, не видя дня, во мраке бесконечной ночи...
Почувствуй себя Voodoo - придумай тактику Сам :D

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 май 2012, 11:17 
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2011, 16:04
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Архетип: Mage
Ce sur quoi nous travaillons le plus actuellement est Conquest (Conquête)...grandes batailles dans un espace où des centaines de joueurs s'affrontent

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 май 2012, 11:22 
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 12 авг 2011, 22:07
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Архетип: Cleric
Erzulie писал(а):

Спасибо. А они это из ВоВа поперли или что то не имеющее аналогов?

Опытные эксперты из АД всегда помогут понять почему не играет ваш билд.

Почувствуй себя Voodoo - нажми Quit.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 15 май 2012, 23:25 
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2011, 16:04
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Архетип: Mage
Conquest at a Glance

Engage in massive, cross-shard battles capturing the excitement of Open World PvP at its best!
Align with one of three factions, the biggest difference is their philosophy. (You will be able to change factions.)
Earn rewards and bonuses for your team – or supercharge yourself with bonuses that can be used outside of Conquest!
Everyone can contribute - crafters play a vital role in every Conquest battle.
This is a brand new feature, details and specifics will likely change based on your feedback and play tests. For the latest info keep an eye on the PTS Forums!

http://community.riftgame.com/2012/05/1 ... rsday-517/

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 15 май 2012, 23:27 
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2011, 16:04
Сообщения: 1672
Архетип: Mage
Hello everyone! I have an announcement to make that I wanted to get out to you all as early as possible to avoid confusion. With the start of 1.9 the World Event Merchant in Sanctum and Meridian will have some changes! All of the reward items from 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 will be removed to give us the ability to give them out in new and more exciting ways. If you have been saving currencies from these World Events, you will no longer need them at that point. In later updates more of the older World Event Rewards will be removed. We are doing this in a phased manner to give those of you that are still leveling your Turtles or Raptors a heads up before they are gone.

The items these currencies are used to purchase will no longer be available on the World Event Merchant, but like I said, they will be available by other means at some point in the future.

1.4 and 1.5 Currencies and Rewards will be going away the update after 1.9 so you will have some time left.

To Recap, the following currencies will no longer be required after the start of 1.9:

Otherworldly Sourcestone
Ancient Golden Dragon Egg Shell
Rune King’s Seal

Starting the next update after 1.9, Dragon Tears and Magma Opals will be obsolete.

Unique Snowflakes, Glass Beads, and Carnival Prize Tickets will always remain useful, and will have their description changed to let you know they are an annual currency.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 16 май 2012, 13:52 
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Зарегистрирован: 12 авг 2011, 22:07
Сообщения: 600
Архетип: Cleric
http://forums.riftgame.com/public-test- ... -12-a.html

NOTES: Features In Testing on PTS! 5/15/12
As always, everything on PTS is highly subject to change before it makes its way to live servers.

Today's update to PTS includes the following (high level notes; more details to come):


* An early version of Conquest is now on PTS for testing! At this point, Conquest will only be accessible when specifically enabled for a playtest.
* Align yourself with one of the three warring groups - the Dominion, the Oathsworn, or the Nightfall, and join three-way cross-shard conflict in a contested sliver of Stillmoor.
* Capture, defend, and enhance conflict points to not only control the region but also gain access to bonuses and resources for your team.
* Fight Colossi on the field of battle to demonstrate your power and gain additional buffs.
* The Conquest Bar displays your current Conquest bonuses and can be found in the 'K' menu under Conquest.
* For those looking to contribute in ways other than direct combat, gather Sourcestone resources and use them to create beneficial effects that help everyone in your faction. These resources can be deposited in a depot inside your base where other crafters can also process them.
* New crafting recipes for use during Conquest are now available on the trainers in Sanctum and Meridian.
* Matches begin to lock down when a single team claims 40% of the control points, or when 5,000 deaths have taken place in the match; at that point a 10 minute timer will begin for a last chance at rallying your troops!

* New Mentoring system allows you to set your character's level below what it actually is, whether you're on your own or playing with a lower-level character.
* Mentoring is available for characters of level 11+ and you can only reduce your current level, not increase it.
* The new Set Ascended Mentor Level menu option now appears when right clicking your own character portrait. You can choose what level you'd like to set your character to from this option.
* When right-clicking the portrait of another character, the menu option to set your mentor level to the target's level appears.
* While mentoring, your stats, abilities, regeneration, etc. will be temporarily reduced in line with the target level.
* Grouped characters using mentoring will receive bonus experience as long as the character with the lower natural level remains within 2 levels of the mentor and the mentor remains at least 5 levels below their natural level.

* Prestige Ranks are now increased to 50!
* The added ranks offer new milestone titles and additional Planar Attunement bonus experience when attained - 2 Planar Attunement levels worth for each rank.
* A new set of PvP Armor is now available in line with the Prestige Rank increase.
* Increased the effect of Bolstering in line with the addition of new PvP gear. Warfront Bolstering is now applied to all characters up to rank 25.
* PTS NOTE: The new rank set armor is temporarily using the previous set's appearances on PTS.

Опытные эксперты из АД всегда помогут понять почему не играет ваш билд.

Почувствуй себя Voodoo - нажми Quit.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 16 май 2012, 23:00 
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Зарегистрирован: 14 сен 2011, 16:53
Сообщения: 451
Архетип: Rogue
Медали: 1

Медный Компас Путешественника
Набрать 5К очков за достижения
Introducing Conquest – Test the latest in RIFT PvP on Thursday, 5/17


Трехфракционное PvP и пьянящий аромат битв в открытом мире!

Chronicles of Yurgen

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 17 май 2012, 10:31 
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 01 апр 2011, 10:53
Сообщения: 844
Архетип: Mage
1.9 breaks Karuul Alert

Just thought I'd inform people who haven't gone on the PTS.

Since Kalert is not gonna be updated, this is going to cause problems for some.

Post alternatives for other addons if you know of them. I've actually tried a few, but none of them work the same way that I know of.

Силу надо дать тому, кто не захочет ее использовать
Wizards till we die!

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: 1.9
СообщениеДобавлено: 23 май 2012, 09:42 
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 12 авг 2011, 22:07
Сообщения: 600
Архетип: Cleric
1.9 WORLD EVENT now in testing on PTS!

* The Undead Fish artifact collection has, at long last, been added to Hammerknell - both Chronicle and Raid. Even more reason to fish in Hammerknell!
* The Rare Artifact Attractor will no longer yield common artifacts that existed in the game prior to patch 1.8.
* When fished, the pool at Scarred Mire and Harlan's Lament will now only yield junk (though some lures will still allow you to catch fish there).
* Schools of Fish, Rare Fish, and Clever Fish now sometimes drop treasure chests.
* Fishing and Survival now have daily quests!
* The Survivalist and Fisher Artisan store NPCs have arrived. Now you're cooking with MEAT.
* Don't know what to do with your piles of common fish? Now you can turn them into Lures! Check out the recipes on the new artisan store NPC.
* Inspired chefs have developed a new Feast recipe for more variety in feasting.
* Survival: The appearance of Feasts also got updated! 'Feasts' is also a strange looking word when you type it enough. Feasty feast.


* Added a new 'Bag Sort' button to the inventory bag bar and the bank window. Bag Sort will rearrange the items in your bags to group them into similar categories (Artifacts next to artifacts, crafting items next to crafting items, etc.).
* Added a new visual warning that buffs are about to expire; the buff icon now fades out when the duration is getting low. This option can be turned on/off in the Settings > Display menu.
* Tells can now be sent to any player on a shard in the same region (NA or EU). Use the Player@Shard format to send messages cross-shard (ex: /tell Asha@Greybriar). Ignore also works the same way - you can ignore someone cross-shard now.
* Quests that allow party-sharing will now be offered to all Raid members.
* Experience locking has been removed now that you can set your level lower via Mentoring!
* Companion Pets no longer have a summoning/casting time or casting animations. They can only be summoned while out of combat.
* Newly-created Guilds now have default permissions that allow all members to use Guild Rally Banners, if the guild has that perk.
* Looking For Group: Fixed a bug where LFG players not inside the dungeon when the final boss is killed would not receive LFG rewards.

* Viewing a Leaderboard with the 'Top 50' filter selected now shows your actual score at the top instead of a '0' if you're not in the list, and will not incorrectly display your rank as '51'.
* Fixed timed scores that ended in zero seconds so they don't omit digits.

* NPCs: Riftblade NPCs no longer use Rift Storm.

* Pets now have a maximum active distance from their owner that when reached, will cause them to stop what they're doing and return to you.
* Slight tweak to Charge-type attack abilities; the only noticeable change should be that attacks involving a Charge can now critically hit on their own.


* Wild Growth: Fixed a pushback issue where Wild Growth could be cast faster if the Chloromancer is damaged while casting it.

* Controlled Opportunity: Fixed an issue with how this is applied to targets when using mouseover macros.
* Haunting Pain: Effects that modify DoT damage, like the Warlock's Neddra's Influence, now properly affect Haunting Pain.

* Feign Death: No longer completely despawns pets. Pets will be invisible while Feign Death is active, and reappear as soon as the ability ends or is deactivated.
* Neddra's Torture: Fixed a pushback issue where Neddra's Torture could be cast faster if the Necromancer is damaged while casting it.

* Fixed Fire Armor and Pyromancer's Armor being castable while Silenced.
* Backdraft: Will now deal damage to the target even if they are immune to the Stun portion of the ability.

* Mortality: No longer affected by damage pushback when casting.


* Rift Barrier: Now generates threat from non-reflectable attacks received while Rift Guard is active.


* Fierce Strike: Fixed a bug with Rank 6 that caused it to repeatedly chain damage.

* Destroyer's Bearing: Can now trigger off of Deathblow.
* Cornered Beast: Now properly grants immunity to Knockback and Polymorph.

* Flurry: Now properly grants immunity to Knockback and Polymorph.

* Intercept: Now has a range of 30 meters.
* Distractions now properly stack with each other so you can have two Warlords using different Distractions.


* Where the Moon Blossoms: Increased the quantity of Moon Blossoms in the Greybriar Hollow cave.

* A Bit of Subterfuge: Female characters will now get disguised as females while on this quest.

* The Track Fish ability has been added. If you already have Fishing, you'll find it in the Abilities window. Otherwise it will be granted automatically when training Fishing.
* Outfitter: Bulk Recipes have been added to Outfitter Trainers for base materials. These new recipes allow you to process 40 cloth directly into 20 bolts.
* Outfitter: Spellspun Cowl recipe now requires 260 skill to learn, to match the skill required to make the item.

* Active buffs/debuffs with durations now show specific time remaining amounts on their tooltips.
* Fishing Lures now correctly appear under the Misc > Fishing section in the Auction House.
* Successful Auction messages now include the stack size of the item sold.
* Combat Log text now more closely matches the on-screen combat text color formatting.
- There are two new types of damage shown in the Combat Log now: Block and Deflect. Combat Log textfile parsers will likely need to be updated.
* Fixed a case where Nameplates could show class mechanic UIs for classes other than your own.
* NPCs with very large models will now have their Nameplate anchored at their feet if the normal position is not visible.
* Nameplates now show casting bars for both yourself and your target.

* The Screenshot and Movie save file location is now under the Windows 'My Documents' folder.

Опытные эксперты из АД всегда помогут понять почему не играет ваш билд.

Почувствуй себя Voodoo - нажми Quit.

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