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 Заголовок сообщения: Greater essences
СообщениеДобавлено: 26 янв 2012, 20:29 
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Зарегистрирован: 15 дек 2011, 00:44
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Celestial Flameshard - Equip: Grants a chance when blocking a target to increase threat to your target and increases Block by 80 for 10 seconds.
Glowing Stone Heart - Equip: Grants a chance when hit to create an earthen shield that absorbs up to 200 damage over up to 15 seconds.
Primordial Faeshard - Equip: Grants a chance when dodging a target to increase threat and increases Physical Armor by 5% for 10 seconds.
Resounding Essence - Equip: Blocking or deflecting an incoming attack has a chance to heal for 750 health.
Screaming Stormshard - Equip: Grants a chance when dealing physical damage to deal 100 Air damage to up to 5 targets. This deals additional threat.
Sturdy Soulstone - Equip: Increases Armor by 357 for 8 seconds after successfully blocking an attack.
Crystallized Vampire Blood - Equip: Your physical abilities have a chance of draining 70 to 84 life from an enemy
Tectonic Stonesource - Equip: Damaging abilities have a chance to summon a shield absorbing 15% of all incoming damage up to a total of 350 damage.

Everflowing Soulstone - Equip: Your heal over time spells have a chance to increase your Spell Power by 49 for 10 seconds.
Frozen Deep One Tear - Equip: Healing spells have a chance to surround your target with a shield of ice, absorbing up to 564 damage for up to 15 seconds.
Hailstone Tideshard - Equip: Healing spells have a chance to surround your target with a shield of ice, absorbing up to 686 damage for up to 20 seconds.
Lifeblood Faeshard - Equip: Grants a chance for single target heals to heal one additional party or raid member for 50% of the healing done.
Vigilant Soulstone - Equip: Increases the healing of your group heals by 52.
Crystal Vine - Equip: Healing spells have a chance to heal for an additional 750 health over 8 seconds.
Cauterizing Gem - Equip: Healing spells have a chance to heal for an additional 1000 health over 8 seconds.
Crescent Shadesource - Equip: Healing spells have a chance to increase your targets Attack and Spell Power by 35 for 20 seconds.

Rekindled Flameshard - Equip: Damaging abilities have a chance to deal 200 Fire damage immediately and an additional 75 Fire damage over 8 seconds.

DPS Magical
Adorned Shadeshard - Equip: Grants a chance on dealing spell damage to increase Spell Power. The Spell Power bonus starts at 175 and is reduced by 20% for each ability performed.
Shattering Gem - Equip: Damaging spells have a chance to inflict an additional 240 Earth damage.

DPS Physical
Mortuous Shadeshard - Equip: Grants a chance for an additional weapon swing when auto attacking with melee weapons.
Combusting Essence - Equip: Physical attack abilities have a chance of dealing an additional 240 Fire damage.


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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Greater essences
СообщениеДобавлено: 26 май 2012, 16:07 

Зарегистрирован: 10 май 2012, 05:52
Сообщения: 9
Архетип: Cleric
Hailstone Tideshard - Equip: Healing spells have a chance to surround your target with a shield of ice, absorbing up to 686 damage for up to 20 seconds. -BiS for healers according to spreadsheat, since it has no iternal cd.

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